Identities that may determine privilege:
- socioeconomic class
- race
- age
- gender
- sexual orientation
- ability
All of these different identities are related to poverty as will be explained either in this post, or future posts that go more in depth on the topics (such as, the differences between white and black poverty or the feminization of poverty.)
Social class is inextricably linked to poverty, as it places people in the group of "lower class." We believe this term is often used as having a double meaning, which places even more oppression on those who are below the poverty line.
Race is apparent in many aspects of poverty, especially as it is known that women of color make significantly less than not only men, but also their white female counterparts.

Sexual orientation is often linked to homeless youth who have been kicked out of their homes due to this very integral part of their identity.
Those with disabilities typically have many medical bills not entirely covered by insurance, or may be unable to work due to their disability which can put them below the poverty line if the government doesn't believe they apply to get monetary disability benefits.
Benefits that come with privilege:
- access to better education, housing
- better healthcare
- higher wages (applicable to both gender and race)
- not facing systemic/institutionalized racism
- thousands more
- Prejudice against or in favor of people belonging to a particular social class; unfair treatment of people because of their social or economic class. -Merriam-Webster Dictionary Definition
We learned from a class activity that classism is differential treatment based on social class or perceived social class. Policies and practices are set up to benefit the upper class, at the expense of the lower classes, which leads to a large income and wealth discrepancy between classes. Wealthy people receive more privileges than those who are less so--these policies keep the lower class down and keep them from progressing. There are many examples of this, one informal, but widespread one, is that of inheritance. Many families are continually born into wealth, and therefore, power.
works cited: -privilege definition -video 1 -video 2 -WOC wage gap graph -classism definition -Classism
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